Novum testamentum 57/4 CONTENTS Andrew R. Krause, In Association with the Ancestral Customs: Pharisaic Ancestral Traditions as a Semi-Private Association Code in Matthew 15 and Antiquitates judaicae 13 Ronald H. van der Bergh, "Old Testament Awareness" and the Textual Tradition of the Explicit Quotations of Isaiah in Codex Bezae's Acts James R. Unwin, "Thrown down but not Destroyed": Paul's Use of a Spectacle Metaphor in 2 Corinthians 4:7-15 Benjamin Sargent, The Exegetical Middah (devar halamad ma'anenu) en hébreu) and the New Testament Laurent Pinchard, Des traces vétérotestamentaires dans quelques variantes du Codex de Béze traditionnellement jugées harmonisanres Book Reviews The New Cambridge History of the Bible (Simon Crisp / j.K. Elliott) Bruce Chilton, Darrell Bock, Daniel M. Gurtner, Jacob Neusner, Lawrence H. Schiffman, and Daniel Oden (eds.), A Comparative Handbook to the Gospel of Mark: Comparisons with Pseudepigraphia, the Qumran Scrolls, and Rabbinic Literature (Nina L. Collins) David P. Moessner, Daniel Marguerat, Mikeal C. Parsons, and Michael Wolter (eds.), Paul and the Heritage of Israel: Paul's Claim upon Israel's Legacy in Luke and Acts in the Light of the Pauline Letters (Jenny Read-Heimerdinger) Rudolf Camper, Philipp Lenz, Andreas Nievergelt, Peter Erhart, Eva Schulz-Fluegel, Die Vetus Latina-Fragmente aus dem Kloster St. Gallen. Faksimile — Edition - Kommentar (H.A.G. Houghton) Books Received (J.K. Elliott)