BIBLICA SUMMARIUM Commentationes Y. Azuelas - F.C]. Voltaggio: The "angel sent from before the Lord" in Targum Joshua 5,14 J. H. Walton: A King Like The Nations: 1 Samuel 8 in Its Cultural Context.. W. T. Wilson: Matthew, Philo, and Mercy for Animals (Matt 12,9-14).... F.O. Parker Jr.: Is the Subject of ztziltazai in John 19,30 "It" or "All Things" ? S. Witetschek: Sankt Paul in Ketten. Zur Paulus-Ikonographie in der Apostelgeschichte und im Corpus Paulinum Animadversiones R. Whitekettle: How the Sheep of Judah Became Fish: Habakkuk 1,14 and the Davidic Monarchy M. Kibhe: Requesting and Rejecting: TJapaiTcopai. in Heb 12,18-29 .... Recensiones Vetus Testamentum F. Cocco: E. Appella, Autorità contestata e confermata M. Nobile: K. Bodner, Elisha's Profile in the Book of Kings M. Peetz: R.M. Wanke, Darstellungen von der Gegenwart Gottes im Hiobbuch Novum Testamentum J.-N. Aletti: A. Wypadi.O, Die Verklärung Jesu nach dem Markus-evangelium R F. O 'Toole: F. Watson, Gospel Writing R. Metzner: D.C. Allison, Jr., A Critical and Fxegetical Commentary on the Epistle of James Varia R. Penna: UTTNER? Early Christianity in the Lycus Valley