Novum testatmentum CONTENTS David K. Bryan, Transformation of the Mustard Seed and Leaven in the Gospel of Luke Ulrike Swoboda, Zur Bestimmung des Interrogativparcikels in Joh 7:35 James M. Beresford. The Significance of the Fast in Acts 27:9 John S. Klofpenborg, Precedence at the Communal Meal in Corinth Peter Malik, Another Look at p.ifao ii 31 (98): An Updated Transcription and Textual Analysis Book Reviews P. Doble and J. Kloha (eds.), Texts and Traditions. Essays in Honour of ]. Keith Elliott (Tommy Wasserman) Mary Marshall, The Portrayals of the Pharisees in the Gospels and Acts (Nina L. Collins) Errata