VETUS TESTAMENTUM CONTENTS Articles Michaela Bauks, "Soul-Concepts" in Ancient Near Eastern Mythical Texts and Their Implications for the Primeval History Troy D. CUDWORTH, Yahweh's Promise to David in the Books of Kings Neriah Klein, Between Genealogy and Historiography Heinz-Dieter Neef, Der unvergleichliche Gott—Psalm 113 im Spiegel von 1 Sam 23-10 Daniel Pioske, Prose Writing in an Age of Orality: A Study of 2 Sam 5:6-9 Gary A. Rendsburg, Marking Closure Benjamin Edidin Scolnic, The Sons of Seleucus ii and the Historicity of Dan 11:10 Short Note Gary A. Rendsburg, Notes on 2 Kings 9:36-37 Book List