CONTENTS Articles > Mary Katherine Yem Hing Hom, Water, Wisdom, and Life: Literary Insights on the Use of "nahal" (en hébreu) in Job 28:4 with Reference to 28:1-28 and 38:22-30 > Benjamin Kilchör, Noch einmal: Das Verhältnis von Ez 40:44-46 und 44:14-16 > Ekaterina E. Kozlova, "para adam" (en hébreu) / 'An Onager Man' (Gen 16:12a) as a Metaphor of Social Oppression > Godwin Mushayabasa, The Text-Critical Utility of the Peshitta to Ezekiel in View of Recent Research > Tania Notarius, Playing with Words and Identity: Reconsidering "anakh larib ba'esh" (en hébreu) and "qets / qayits" (en hébreu) in Amos' Visions > Uta Schmidt, „Augen war ich für den Blinden..." (Hi 29,15) Mensch, Körper und Gesellschaft in Hiob 29 und 30 > Ronald L. Troxel, Writing Commentary on the Life of a Text > Wolfgang Zwickel and Pieter van der Veen, The Earliest Reference to Israel and Its Possible Archaeological and Historical Background