Titre : | Biblica, 98/3 - VOL. FASC. 3 - Elohim, the Elohist, and the Theory of progressive revelation |
Auteurs : | Collectif, Auteur |
Type de document : | Bulletin : texte imprimé |
Paru le : | 01/07/2017 |
Année de publication : | 2017 |
Format : | Pp.322-480 / in 8 |
Langues: | Français |
Sujets : | |
Note de contenu : |
Commentationes > K.P. Hong: Elohim, the Elohist, and the Theory of Progressive Revelation.... > N. Wazana: The Chosen City: Conquest and Sanctification Traditions of Jerusalem > W. Schütte: Israels Exil in Juda nach der Urfassung von l-2Könige > J. Bourgèl: Brethren or Strangers? Samaritans in the Eyes of Second-Century B.C.E. Jews > J.-N. Aletti: Les Ecritures Annonçaient-Elles un Messie Souffrant ? Difficultés et Réponses des Evangiles Animadversiones > SJ. GoUmi: Swords that are Ploughshares: Another Case of (Bilingual) Word- play in Biblical Prophecy? > P. Coutsoumpos: The Difficulty of MONOTENHI 0EOI in John 1,18: A Reassessment Recensiones Vetus Testamentum >R.F. Person: Hans Ausloos, The Deuteronomist's History. The Role of the Deuteronomist in Historical-Critical Research into Genesis-Numbers > H. Bezzel: Sara Kipfer, Der bedrohte David. Eine exegetische und rezeptions- geschichtliche Studie zu lSam 16 - IKön 2 > M.H. Floyd: Mark J. Boda, The Book ofZechariah > L. Mazzinghi: Mette Bundvad, Time in the Book of Ecclesiastes Novum Testamentum > J.-N. Aletti: Richard B. Hays, Echoes of Scripture in the Gospels > H E. Mader: Richard Last, The Pauline Church and the Corinthian Ekklësia - > F. Manzi: Jean Massonnet, L'épître aux Hébreux Varia > C.E. Morrison: Jason K. Driesbach, 4QSamuel" and the Text of Samuel < Nuntii personarum et rerum Pontificium Institutum Bibiicum. Annus académicas 2016-2017. Il semestre.. Libri ad Directionem missi Notice to our Subscribers Leo Arnold. SJ. R.I.P. |
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