J.J. Krause: Cicumcision and Covenant in Genesis 17 J.M.Tebes: The Southern Home of YHWH ans Pre-Priestly Patriarchal/Exodus Traditions from a Southern Perspective A. Leproux: La "Piété" du Patriarche Jacob selon Sg 10, 10-12 B. Rossi: Conflicting Patterns of revelation: Jer 31, 33-34 ans Its Challenge tu the Post-Mosaic Revelation Program C. Blumenthal: Vorbilldhaftes Gottvertrauen: Der matthäische Jesus zwischen tödlicher Ohnmacht und königlicher Macht B. Carrier: The Triumphal Echo of Psalm 24 in the Gospel According to Matthew F. Bianchini: I Giovanni e la retorica: L'argomentazione di Gv 1,5 - 2,28 T. Murakoa: Justification by Faith: Paul and Qumran